RDF Site Summary 1.0 Modules: Img


Tom Longson http://nym.igargoyle.com/


Latest Version: https://igargoyle.com/rss/1.0/modules/img/
DRAFT 0.6 2003-6-5 (removed spatial module to use geo instead)
DRAFT 0.5 2003-4-4


This is a draft, please send feedback to Tom Longson at [email protected].


Copyright 2000-2002 by the Author.

Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute the RDF Site Summary 1.0 Content Img Specification and its accompanying documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted in perpetuity, provided that the above copyright notice and this paragraph appear in all copies. The copyright holders make no representation about the suitability of the specification for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without expressed or implied warranty.

This copyright applies to the RDF Site Summary 1.0 Content Module Specification and accompanying documentation and does not extend to the RSS Module's format itself.


A module for using RSS 1.0 to describe images. Useful for photo blogs, image repositories, webcams, and information gathering (also known as gargoyle) projects. The img module should be encapsulated in an item. Please use the geo module with this item whenever possible to describe the location from where the image was taken.

Namespace Declarations
Updated Syntax

This section is a draft and has not yet been approved by the WG.


<img:item> Elements:
<img:dimensions> Elements:
<dc:format> Elements:

Img Item Element Descriptions

This is the main element and only required part of the module. The rdf:resource is not required, but is highly reccomended. The rdf:resource represents the resource for the image's URI. For example, <img:item rdf:resource="https://igargoyle.com/webcam.jpg">. In addition to this image, the image module supports a thumbnail URI (img:thumbnail) as well as a high resolution URI (img:hires), a subject image resource (img:subject), and a camera type subject image (img:camimage). The image for the main resource under img:item should not be too big to be viewed on a webpage, and idealy 320px by 240px.

This is the text version of <img:camimage>. It is used to describe what type of camera was used to take the picture named in <img:url>. Please provide this data whenever possible.

This is part of the Dublin Core dataset, which when nested in the img:item can be used to desribe the creator of the image referenced in the img:item, if the author of the post is different of the author of the image. In other words, if the person who is posting the article/post/rss:item is not the person who created the image, put the dc:creator under the rss:item instead.

This is part of the Dublin Core dataset, which when nested in the img:item can be used to provide the description of the image referenced in the img:item, if the description of the post is different of the description of the image.

The date of the image's exposure. Not the same as the post's publishing date unless you're broadcasting live. If your img:item does not have a date, it is presumed that the date on the post is the image's date.

Under the rdf:resource of this vaule is an URI to a subject image for the image item

This is used for the URL to the camera type image. Used in conjunction with <img:cam>, it is a graphical representation of the type of camera the image named in <img:url> was taken with. Useful for browsing large databases of images.

This is used for the URI to the thumbnail of the image of the img:item. This can be used to help browse large databases of images or provide a sumary of an item without showing the high resolution image. You can also publish image items that have thumbnails only if you so desire.

This is used for the URI to the high resolution version of the image listed under the rdf:resource for the img:item. This can be used to provide images that are too big for a browser window.

Used if the image is animated. If this is not included, it is assumed that the <img:event> is none.

The film or media that the camera used to store the image.

The type of lense that was used for the image.

The filters used in conjuction with your lense. Not photoshop filters.

The date in which the development process took place if your image required non-digital processing or scanning.

Simplest way of answering this one is to ask yourself is would you be able to use your image as evidence in a courtroom? This means an image that is not altered and in it's raw format. Please use 'yes', 'no', or in doubtful situations, 'maybe'. See http://www.photo.net/photodb/manipulation for a more verbose explanation.

The technical details, which can be useful in cases such as heavy manipulation or detailed accounts in the technical process to obtaining your image. Do not use this as a replacement for dc:description.

<img:dimensions> Element Descriptions



The height dimension of the image.

The width dimension of the image.

The unit of the height and width dimensions of the image. Defaults to px, or pixels.

Using dc:format to describe the image's file format:



The mimetype for the image file.

The data length of the image file.

Img Example
The img elements are in blue. Also included in this example is the <geo:Point> metadata which describes one's geocoordinate.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#"

    <channel rdf:about="https://igargoyle.com/">
        <title>Image Blog Example</title>

        <description>An example RSS channel for image blogs.</description>
        <image rdf:resource="http://example.igargoyle.com/images/logo.gif"/>
                        <rdf:li rdf:resource="http://example.igargoyle.com/images/logo.gif"/>
                        <rdf:li rdf:resource="https://igargoyle.com/city.jpg"/>


        <!-- the logo we're using. if you omitted this and the below, no logo would be displayed -->
        <!-- use RSS image element for parsers that do not understand
        http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/image# note that this causes a duplication
        of RDF information about http://www.example.com/images/logo.gif which
        could cause issues for some parsers if there is an inconsistency -->

        <image rdf:about="http://www.example.com/images/logo.gif">

                <!-- include http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/image#
                for parsers with partial support -->


                <description>This is the logo for this example.</description>


        <!-- the logo we're using. if you omitted this and the above, no logo would be displayed -->
        <img:image rdf:about="http://example.igargoye.com/images/logo.gif">

<description>This is the logo for this example.</description>



<!-- this is the first image -->
<item record:uuid="1030176902" rdf:about="http://example.igargoyle.com/img/permalink/1030176902.html">
<title>San Francisico, Fog Rolling in</title>
<dc:date>Sat Aug 24 2002 08:00 AM</dc:date>

<dc:subject>San Francisco</dc:subject>
<description>One of the best parks in the city with awesome views and nobody knows about it.</description> <img:item rdf:resource="https://igargoyle.com/city.jpg"> <rdf:Description> <img:camimage rdf:resource="https://igargoyle.com/subject/digitalcam.gif" /> <img:cam>Nikon Coolpix 550</img:cam> <img:film>Flash Card</img:film> <img:lense>Factory Default</img:lense> <img:filters>none</img:filters> <img:manipulated>no</img:manipulated> <img:link rdf:resource="http://example.igargoyle.com/image_example.html" /> <dc:date>Sat Aug 24 2002 06:48 AM</dc:date> <img:event>none</img:event> <dc:format> <rdf:Description> <dcterms:IMT>image/pjpeg</dcterms:IMT> <dcterms:extent>8029</dcterms:extent> </rdf:Description> </dc:format> <img:dimensions> <rdf:Description> <img:unit>px</img:unit> <img:width>640</img:width> <img:height>480</img:height> </rdf:Description> </img:dimensions> <geo:point> <geo:lat>39.04</geo:long> <geo:long>95.69</geo:long> </geo:point> </rdf:Description> </img:item> </item> </rdf:RDF>