
4m Walking Robot

nym | 01:01 PM

green flower.jpg

I originally passed on this 4m walking robot suit for igargoyle because I thought the robot was way too slow to be of any real use, and probably to noisy to sneak up on anyone, but a former coworker convinced me to post about it anyways:

I think you fail to see the point here. The JAPANESE have giant WALKING ROBOTS. Sure, it's just a prototype. But seriously, is this a technology we want them having? If anime has taught us anything, it's clear that we do not. On the other hand *I* should be trusted with giant walking combat robots, and promise to use my robotic walking minions for good, and never for evil.

Someone, give this man a giant walking robot. Sysadmins like him need a proper way like this to help redistribute the pain.

[ Link via Davy K. ]


Japan is a nation dedcated towards international
peace. That things not going to be used for anything other than defence.(If it can hold it's own against a tank first.)

Posted by: x at May 1, 2008 07:06 AM

Japan is a nation dedcated towards international
peace. That things not going to be used for anything other than defence.(If it can hold it's own against a tank first.)

Posted by: x at May 1, 2008 07:06 AM
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