January 22, 2004

Site Update

I've been very busy recently with personal projects, and haven't had time to really write articles for igargoyle recently. I would love to get some other editors on here, but it's still such a small area of emerging technology that I haven't really had any offers.

In the meantime while I prepare for the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Confrence in San Diego (Feb. 9th-12th), here's a few pictures from jeffbots.com (thanks lemonodor).

Posted by nym at 08:01 PM | Comments (0)

January 11, 2004

Steve Mann AP Article

Steve Barr posted on the wear-hard mailing list about a Steve Mann AP article. It's a pretty good read, I recommend checking it out.

Posted by nym at 12:25 PM | TrackBack